31 products
Need help finding the right disc golf disc?

So you're keen to play disc golf, but you don't know where to start. Maybe you've loved playing a little frisbee and want to start playing for the first time, your mates dragged you out onto the course and you now need your own discs, or you're a seasoned chucker looking to expand your bag. Either way, we're help to help. Whether it's picking the right putter, bagging a new driver, or knowing which disc golf set to start with, we've got the disc golf discs you need. We've got a great selection of locally made disc golf discs and bags for all skill levels. Our range is constantly expanding with great new discs from new local suppliers as the sport continues to grow here in Aus.

Send us a chat or contact us and we'll help right the right disc for what you need.

You've got your discs, now what?

If you're all set for discs but aren't sure where your local disc golf courses are, check out the Where to Play page for your city in our menu above. You can also check out the UDisc app for greater course coverage. Join the community and find your local disc golf club. Make some mates, find your local tournaments, and enjoy the sport!